Die Cast Models

By Steve Lima

Cars! There is something about cars, if you are a car guy, you know…If you can't have the real thing, what's the next logical choice…a scale model. The market is inundated with kits of all types, snap-pre painted, full assembly required…on and on.

Since die casts have become more and more popular by offering the collector a nice replica, it made it easier to have the car you desired without building it. (That alone is a whole other topic) Now you can have that die cast-pre-painted down to the lug bolts-all you do is assemble it. It is great for someone who does not have the time, or patience, and it is good practice for beginners. But what happens when you want a different version of that pre-painted die cast…re-enter the model builder.

Having been building and collecting kits and die casts for years it's been easier to fill my collection of "Movie star cars" lately. But there's still a few missing. Follow along as I do a build up, with some added detail of the 440 Charger R/T used in the movie "Dirty Mary & Crazy Larry". I have started with Ertl's pre-painted 69 Charger R/T.


Here is the Model disassembled.                                       Model prepared and ready for paint.


Here I used a Badger Crescendo for the paint job.            Taped and ready for the stripe

I used Citron Yellow to match the car in the movie.       


Here I also used the Crescendo for the stripe.                  


Here I used the Badger 200 to add detail to the mufflers and the engine compartment. I added rust and burn marks to the mufflers and detailed the hoses and chrome parts in the engine compartment.


Here I needed to modified the front axle and the wheels to match the correct wheels on the car in the movie.


I also needed to modified the rear axle and make it shorter for the wider tiers so they would fit correctly.


      Here is the model all finished The 69 Charger R/T used in the movie Dirty Mary & Crazy Larry


I would like to thank my friends at Badger Air Brush for their topnotch equipment, which made this project a pleasure. Any inquires about the model please email me at [email protected].


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