Air Brush Glove

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Wear while air brushing to prevent fatigue and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Available in Right-Hand Medium (# 124RM), Left – Hand Medium (#124LM),
and Left-Hand Large (#124LL).


  Model 125 Air Brush Holder

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Holds two airbrushes of any make or model.  The 125 allows easy access
to your air brushes; eliminates dropping of airbrush and paint spills.  
The unit swivels and rotates for maximum flexibility and clamps securely
to any drafting table, desk or taboret edge (up to 2” 5cm thick).


Paint Mixer

paimixer.jpg (2376 bytes)Thoroughly mixes all types of paint.  Evenly
disperses pigment in its base material to assure consistent viscosity of
paint from top of the bottle to the bottom (#121).  (Requires 2 AA Batteries,
not included.)


Jar Adaptors for Air-Opaqueä and Air-Texä bottles

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Fro Model 150, 155, 175, 200 & 360 air brushes with 1 oz. siphon tube
(#51-017).  For Model 350 air brush with 1 oz. siphon tube (#51-018).
  For Model 150, 155, 175, 200 & 360 air brushes with 4 oz. siphon tube
(#51-019).  For Model 350 air brush with 4 oz. siphon tube (#51-020). 
Gasket for 20mm cap adaptor (#51-012). 1 oz. siphon tube (#51-0095).
4 oz. siphon tube (#51-0096) (28mm) Floquil Jar Adaptors for Model 150,
155, 175, 200 & 360 air brushes (#51-228) (not pictured).  For Model 350
air brush (#51-033) (not pictured).


(33mm) 150, 155, 175, 200 & 360Jar Adaptor

30O angle configuration for proper alignment with Model 150, 155, 175,
200 & 360 air brushes.  Fits all three size jars. (#50-208).  Replaces 50-207.

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(33mm) 350 Jar Adaptor

Angles 60O for proper 350 air brush balance.  Fits all three size jars.
(#50-308).  Replaces 50-307.


Regdab Air Brush Lubricant

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Enhances smooth trigher action and eliminates friction
due to dry paint build up. (#122).


Propelä Propellant

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Excellent starting air source or
short usage alternative air source for use with all types and
makes of air brushes.  Contains no CFC’s and dose not promote
ozone depletion. Available in Regular, (# 50-002) and Economy Size,
(# 50-202).


Paint Jar with Covers

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Glass jars fit 150, 155, 175, 200, 250, 350, & 360 Model air brushes. 
Available in 2oz./60ml (#50-0053) and 3/4ox./22ml (#50-0052) sizes.  
4oz./120ml paint jar (not pictured) with cover fits Model 250-4 (#50-267)
and Model 260 (#50-267)


(33mm) 3oz./90cc Plastic Jar

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Jar only with plain lid (#51-0054).  Jar with adaptor #50-208 attached,
(#51-0055).  Jar with #50-308 adaptor attached, (#51-0056).



A.         Air Filter and Water Trap for air compressor (#50-051)

B.         Air Regulator, Filter and Gauge for air compressor. (#50-054)

C.        CO2 Regulator with Gauge for Use with CO2 tank only. (#50-057)

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   ¼” (6.4 mm) Pipe Thread Fitting Adaptor

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Adapts air hose to compressor or CO2 tank (#50-023).


Spare Tire Valve Adaptor

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To use a spare tire for presure, insert the adaptor
into the can of propel. regulator valve (#50-200) and attach to
spare tire.  Note: tire must be on a rim and inflated to 40lbs.
(2.75 bar) of air pressure (# 50-029).


Badger Propelä Regulator

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Made of high-inpact nylon, with metal parts. Regulates on/off
for propel
. ä(#50-200)


Flexible, Light Weight Air Hose

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Available in 5ft. (1.9m) #50-001 and 8ft. (2.44m) #50-0011 lengths. 
Not recommended for continuous use with a compressor. #50-0011
includes ¼” (6.4mm) Pipe Thread Fitting Adaptor (#50-023).


Heavy-Duty Braided Air Hose

50-2011.jpg (15632 bytes)Durable rubber air hose in braded
fiber “housing.”  Swivel connection for air brush at one end and varying
air source connector fitting at opposite end.  Available in 10ft. (3.05m)
length #50-2011, 6ft. (1.83m) length w/in-line moisture trap (50-2014)
#50-2022, 10ft. (3.05m) length w/in-line moisture trap (50-2014) #50-2025,
8ft. (2.44m) length w/air brush quick connect fitting #50-2018, 10ft. (3.05m)
length with ¼” female fitting at both ends (for Model 400 only) #50-3011.


Transparent Vinyl Air Hose  

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Flexible clear air hose enables the air brush user to detect any moisture
or impurities in the air line, thus preventing any related mishaps or work disruption.  Swivel connection for air brush at one end and varying air source connection at opposite end.  Recommended for use up to 50 P.S.I. Available in 10ft. (3.05m) length #50-2030, 6ft. (1.83m) length w/in-line moisture trap (50-2014) #50-2026, 10ft. (3.05m) length w/in-line moisture trap (50-2014) #50-2021, 8ft. (2.44m) length w/no fittings at either end (for use with 80-3 bakery compressor only) #50-1011


Re-Coilä Flexible Air Hose

Stretches to maximum length of 10ft./3.05m (#50-4011) for Badger and
Thayer-Chandler air brushes.

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(# 50-4012) for Paasche and Binks air brushes.


Dust Mask

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Disposable dust mask for use with waterbased paints and abrasive
materials (packaged of 2, #50-273)


Double Cartridge Respirator

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Provides protection against paint mist and
vapors.  Double cartridge provides easier breathing over single
cartridge mask,  It has a built-in anti-bacterial agent and cleans
easily (#190-1), Replacement cartridge (# 190-2). Respirator Pre-Filter
(#190 – 3)


Transparent In-Line Drainable Moisture Trap

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For use with Badger braided or transparent air hose and compressor.
  Filter only (#50-2014)


In-Jar Fluid Filter  

filter.jpg (1351 bytes)Designed for use with all siphon-fed air brushes.  Helps prevent
air brush clogs by filtering out large particle matter or oversized pigments.  
For use with new #50-009 Siphon tube, (#50-2017). Old filter for use with
#50-025 siphon tube, (#50-2016)


Counter-Balanced Handle


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Designed for use with 100 and 150 dual action models. 
Made of solid brass and chrome plated, provides superior
balance (#50-0332).


Crown Regulator

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  For Models 100, 150, and 200, helps to reduce build-up
of heavy viscosity coatings on spray regulator surface
edge.  FINE (#51-033), MEDIUM (#51-034), Heavy (#51-035).


  Color Cups

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Self standing color cups for Model 150, 155, 175 & 200 air
brushes, ¼ oz./7ml (#50-0482).   For Model 350 air brush,
¼ oz./7ml (#50-0483).  For Model 100 side feed – color
cups with screw off bottom for easy cleaning, 1/16 oz./2ml
(#50-047) and 1/8 oz./3.5ml (#50-048).


Model 135 Spray Booth

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Portable, lightweight with more than
1.66 cubic feet (47L) of protected spray area to eliminate over spray mess,
fumes, and odors.  20” long X 12” high X 12” deep (50cm X 30cm X 30cm)
with 8” X 5” plexiglass top mounted window for more direct light.  Made of
easy to clean translucent polypropylene and weighs only 10.5lbs. (4.7 kg).
Includes powerful 1/25 horsepower, 3100 RPM inductance shade pole
blower with replaceable filter, plus complete instruction for venting. 
Available in 110 volts only.

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